BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Managing Client Success: Managing multiple projects and growing your practice UID:12 DESCRIPTION:Creating a successful project outcome is inevitably a balance between satisfying your client’s expectations\, making a profit and meeting your own standards.  As you expand your practice and take on multiple projects new challenges emerge.\n\nDuring the course of the day we will explore some simple frameworks\, tools and techniques that can help you manage the challenge of managing multiple garden design projects in the context of growing your garden design practice.  We will cover:\n\nA framework for managing single projects – from client objective to successful conclusion at a profit.Overseeing multiple projects:The challenge – multiple projects with YOU at the centre of everythingKey steps when managing multiple projectsBalancing prioritiesManaging your Practice:Balancing your focus – new business\, bidding/quotations and overseeing your current projectsTarget audience: Practicing garden designers engaged in multiple projects and growing their practice.\n\n DTSTAMP:20190703T102800Z DTSTART:20191024T230000Z DTEND:20191024T230000Z LOCATION:Roundhegians Rugby Football Club, The Memorial Ground, Chelwood Drive, Leeds, LS8 2AT END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR