BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:SGD RCO CPD - Sketching Plants: Tips & Techniques - 10th Apl 2024. *SOLD OUT* UID:702 DESCRIPTION:This event has Sold Out - Please contact the office if you are interested in attending as we may be able to offer to repeat the course.\n\nSpeaker: Anna Ribo\n\nDate: Wednesday 10th April\n\nTime: 3pm - 6pm\n\n\n\nOnce you have booked onto the event an invitation register to the Zoom meeting will be sent via email\, including information on how to join the meeting along with the privacy statement.\n\nPlease note that this event will not be recorded but materials will be shared with the participants after the session.\n\nIn this course\, we will focus on tricks and techniques for sketching plants. We will look at how to find shapes that make drawing plants easier\, how to capture the character of plants and we will touch on atmospheric perspective to create depth to your sketches. \n\nSketching regularly\, even if only for a short time\, will quickly improve your skills and give you a keener eye when choosing plants. You will be encouraged to loosen up your line\, train your observational skills and enjoy the process of sketching rather than producing a masterpiece at each session. The aim is to give you the confidence to practise. \n\nThere will be practical\, quick exercises that you can repeat at home when you have a spare few minutes to improve your skills.\n\nSketching is a great way of quickly capturing a garden atmosphere. Being able to do a quick sketch to illustrate an idea is very useful when with clients. And observing plants and their characters through sketching can help you when choosing plants and assessing a planting scheme.\n\nAnna Ribo is a planting designer\, garden advisor and gardening and sketching teacher. She used to be head gardener at the gardens at Long Barn but now focuses on her own practice and projects as well as offering freelance planting plans for other professionals. Her work is unashamedly plant based. \n\nTarget audience: The course is aimed at beginners to intermediates - and anyone who would like to loosen up their line or is feeling a bit rusty and hasn’t practised quick sketching techniques for a while\n\nProgramme: A relaxing and enjoyable late afternoon course starting at 3pm and finishing at 6pm with a short break in the middle.\n\nItems to bring: You will need something to draw on and with\, ideally an HB and a softer pencil and fine-liners. But Anna will discuss materials so wait with any big purchases till after the course. \n\nThis event is brought to you by your Regional Coordinator(s) for the SGD South East region: Gini Denison-Pender\n\n DTSTAMP:20240306T141600Z DTSTART:20240410T140000Z DTEND:20240410T170000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR