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SGD Bitesize CPD - Motivation with Andrew Duff MSGD - 30 January 2025

SGD Bitesize CPD - Motivation with Andrew Duff MSGD - 30 January 2025

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SGD Bitesize CPD

Date: 30 January 2025

Time: 16:00 - 17:00

Please note that this event will be recorded and will be made available to delegates after the event. For more information on recording and privacy please click here. Once you have booked onto the event an invitation register to the Zoom meeting will be sent via email, including information on how to join the meeting.

Topic: Motivation

It’s a difficult word, motivation, someone’s either fully motivated or they’re not, which can often be disparaging.

We’ve all been there, staring at a blank sheet of paper on the drawing board feeling, you’ve guessed it, unmotivated. The positive thing is that there is a very simple solution, that magical word 'process'. Locking into your design process allows you to recognise the tools that you need to start a design; it’s not about trying to get motivated it’s about it becoming a natural part to begin with.

In this session we’ll discuss and investigate different ways to start the design process. We will look at things that are labelled negative but are actually part of your process individuality. We will banish the myth that doing the washing up or walking the dog is procrastination and embrace it as a positive process journey.

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