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Photoshop for Garden Designers (26.02.2020) - SOLD OUT

Photoshop for Garden Designers (26.02.2020) - SOLD OUT

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A one day lecture style course will take the form of practical demonstrations moving between SketchUp and Photoshop. The primary focus will be on Photoshop and is therefore equally relevant to Vectorworks and other design software, including the digital enhancement of hand drawings. The day will include:

A general introduction to the basic workings of Photoshop, giving a broad overview of function and technique. This introduction will aim to give those with no prior experience a good overall understanding of the basics, along with serving as helpful revision for those with working knowledge.

The interaction between SketchUp and Photoshop. Creating a perspective framework to be rendered in Photoshop.

Using Photoshop to enhance photographic images which can then be used to enhance 3D SketchUp modelling, along with practical suggestions for simplifying and speeding up the 3D modelling process.

Rendering surfaces. Textures, atmosphere and mood in Photoshop.

Creating species specific digital plants along with available library resources.

Digital planting. Various techniques using Photoshop to create a wide range of visually satisfying planting styles and imagery. This will be the core focus of the day, with plenty of time for questions and interaction during the demonstrations.

About the presenter: After over a decade of experience designing, building and planting gardens, John Wood has now come to specialise in 3D rendering and the creation of computer-drawn visualisations for landscape architects and garden designers. Years of hands-on experience and a considerable practical knowledge of garden construction, landscaping and planting all contribute to an understanding of the digital visualisation process and of how best to achieve attractive computer graphics for our soft-landscaping work.

Target audience: Anyone interested either in learning about, or better understanding the processes involved in digital rendering using Photoshop as the primary tool.

Programme: 09:30 arrival for coffee and 10:00 start. The day will end at approximately 16:00

Items to bring: Please bring your preferred form of note-taking equipment. Laptops are not essential. An online resource of short explanatory videos by John Wood supporting the course will be made available to participants.

Catering: The course includes coffee and tea only during mid morning and mid afternoon breaks, if you would like refreshments on arrival, the cafe will be open for purchases. Please note that lunch is not provided. Lunch is available from the venue.

Please advise during booking if you have any special dietary requirements or have food allergies.

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